August 1, 8 & 15 Join Me LIVE on Zoom to Figure Out Exactly What You Want in a Partner!

Discover EXACTLY who you're looking for with a little help from me. In this live, three-session workshop, we'll deep-dive into your Partner Have-to-Haves audio/video workshop and you can bring questions as we figure out what you need to never settle again.

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Please note that everyone must own a copy of the DIY series of Partner Have-to-Haves to do this live course. Please select the right option based on these criteria.

Yes! Sign me up for this 3-session class
+ audio series.

Frustrated with who you keep ending up with?

You will understand how to...


Like getting your colors done, know what will work for you and what's never going to look good on you–in advance.


You need things to be extraordinary. Find out exactly what they are and what to look for in a mate.


Getting attached to the wrong person can be painful and messy to untangle. You'll learn where the line is, and how to step away before it's too late.


Learn to recognize your relationship preferences and share them with your dates for discovering compatability.


Some of your must-haves might have you feeling a little guilty, or shallow. You get to say what you need–no judgment.


You will stop wasting time on those who are not a good fit for your life and attract dates who might be just right for you.

Join this 3-session class series August 1, 8 & 15 6:00 - 7:15 PM PT

Who comes to this workshop...

Click to Listen to Who This Workshop is For

Rave Reviews

"Wendy's sorting method is genius! I thought I was shallow, and she'd make me give up what I wanted. But I can now see my top six are my top six and it doesn't matter what other people think. (And a few of them were unexpected, my list changed.) Do it!"

- Holly M. (Los Angeles, CA)

"I'm swiping left on so many guys now. I've stopped wasting my time on as you say, not a good fit. Thank you sooooo much, Wendy!"

- Kelly L. (Seattle, WA)

“I took this course to figure out what I was looking for, and I got that in spades! I also got to see all the ways I've been lying to myself about how relationships are supposed to happen. Thank you, Wendy!"

- Latasha O. (Atlanta, GA)

Your Partner Have-to-Haves deep-dive live workshop will guide you to a happy and fulfilling partnership.

  • 10 sessions of audio and videos - take it in pieces or binge all at once
  • Downloadable audio so you can listen on the fly
  • Hands-on exercises that will help you feel—and be—more empowered
  • 3 Live Zoom classes on Aug. 1, 8 & 15, 2022 6-7:15pm PT
  • Audio recordings from the live video calls for playback

* I provide audios and/or videos to honor different learning styles. Listen or watch, pick the choice that works best for you!

A Word from Wendy

“At 35, I found myself divorced, single, and without the first clue on how to date. I figured I'd go on four or five dates, meet my new husband, and that would be that.

Boy, was I wrong.

I went on 121 first dates before my guy came along.

<– This is me and Mr. 121. We're adorable, right? 

That's right. 121 different men. I don't want that for you! I want you to be able to sort for your love much faster!

One of the most important lessons I learned on 121 first dates is...

Date within your kindreds. Your kindreds are your people–the ones that see you and accept you as you are. You have a natural and easy affinity with them because they are like you... and you are like them.

You'll learn how to spot your kindreds. There's nothing like finding the right person who can see you, and get behind you and say, "I've got you—now go be whoever you want to be in this world."

If that's your desire, it's totally possible for you.


It's time, right?

It's time you find the one who loves and adores you just as you are.

This workshop and these three live sessions can help get you there.